Challenging the myths around homelessness

The stigma connected to homelessness has never gone away. In a series of short viedos, ihAg CEO Jools Ramsey,  explores some of the myths, stereotypes and realities of living with the experience of being homeless.

What causes homelessness?

Sometimes life can be diļ¬ƒcult. Bereavement, redundancy, divorce, and debts are just a few of the challenges people face. A combination of any of these things and more can lead to someone's home being at risk.

Are all homeless people living on the street?

We often hear people comment that there really aren't that many people genuinely homeless, because there is only a few visible on the streets. Sadly, we know that the numbers are higher than they seem.

Is the perception of homelessness really fair?

The Covid-19 pandemic  has shown anyone can become homeless with a sudden change of personal circumstances. 

What are the dangers of people living on the street?

Sleeping on the streets is hard. But it's not just the weather that can make this dangerous.

What does the term 'sofa surfing mean?

When you can't afford to rent/buy and there is nowhere suitable to live sofa surfing may seem like the only option.

The number one myth encountered with homelessness?

Homeless doesn't just happen to "certain people. Anyone can have a change in their personal circumstances putting them at risk of becoming homeless.   

Is homelessness self inflicted?

There's a huge misconception that people choose to make themselves homeless and that they have turned down support offered to them.

What are some of the impacts of homelessness?

Homelessness not only impacts the person living with that experience, but also their family, friends, and society as a whole.

Is homelessness a vicious cycle?


With the right support, we don't believe that it is.

Is it true that some people pretend to be homeless, to beg for money?

The reality is, not everyone on the streets is homeless.

Is there one simple action people can take, if they see someone sleeping rough?


Offering food or drink is a short-term solution, connecting someone with support is a pathway out of homelessness